Monday, April 20, 2009

July 4

What a proud day in American history that July 4 was . We won our independance from England and formed our own nation.

This is a great year in history itself. So far we have done something we have not done in years. We had a tea party. Bear with me. The first tea party was held December 3 1773. We had our second on April 15,2009. The tax filing day. Ironic and justified . You may be asking what this has to do with July 4 , 2009.

The tea parties were a success. I recently got an e-mail forwarded to me , and tears were welling up in my eyes. I thought I was the only one that felt that we should not let go of this. To find out I am not alone well it made me feel more stable. The AFA ( American Family Association) sponsored some of these tea parties. What a relief.

The Governamant has said people who attended these tea parties are considered possibl;e terrorists and are called un-patriotic. I say they are wrong. Once again I reiterate December 3, 1773. Patriots to this nation held a tea party. We are being called " rightwing extremists" and could possible be dangerous. A state of mind where we want our rights recognized is dangerous? If this is true , if people rights that our for fathers fought for are dangerous , then they should change the history books and the original tea party those men who risked their lives that cold night should read traitors.

This July 4, The AFA is sponsoring the American Freedom Day Tea Party. I say Bravo. I say we should support them. et us get more Americans involoved. Call friends , and family, stand in front of I.R.S. buildings. Stand in Parks. Let our voices be heard. This nation was founded on the principle of a tax free zone. Let us bring back those principles. Let us stop being apothetic towards what is happening to us.

July 4, is a beautiful day for so many reasons. This year July 4, could have a double meaning. Freedom from England and maybe the mainstream media and the Governmant will recognize our cries of freedom from taxes . Thank You .

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