Thursday, April 23, 2009

Whats Next

As I watched the news today I was doing my normal. Sitting there relaxing having my morning coffee and smoking cigarette. Then something caught my attention. A small burger place was opening up a new store. And I though finally a bit of good news. Then I heard that had advertised for sixty positions. Ten dollars an hour, benifets, and a few free burgers for lunch and I though maybe I should get a part time job with them. Then I found out that that one advertisemant for sixty had brought in over a thousand applicants. I kept watching the news and found out that Americans are losing theit jobs at a rate of fifteen jobs in every minute. In a four minute span the news let out that little blurb about the resteraunt opening sixty people lost their jobs that were so desperatley needed.

Presidant Obama has said that hope is in sight and I am wondering where he is looking. G.M. is talking about closing down their factories for nine weeks. Which ok no production but they still have to pay their workers. Harley Davidson is closing down some of their plants . Hershey is trying to move as much as their production to Mexico.

So far the enemploymant rate is up to 6.1 percent . Which to some might say that is not bad. But the problem lays with the fact that with their percentage is based on the people that are receiving unemploymant benifets. Not the millions of Americans that have stoppped receiving benifets. So you need to add more to that percentage. You would see that it is closer to 12% of Americans are out of work. And factor in the fact fifteen people lose their jobs every fifteen minutes.

When did it go so bad so fast? The bailout that was to save us. When this bailout began, people were against it and yet it passed. I told people that within three months some of these companies would need more money. People laughed at me and call me an idiot that this would fix things. Here it is three months later and G.M. is broke. So what was the best solution?

Simple a major tax break. You sometimes pay into the Federal Reserve over a thousand dollars a year and you might get a quarter of that back. When that money is taken from you do you feel like going out and spending 30,000 to 40,000 on a new vehicle? I know I sure dont. I don't even think I could afford it easily if I wanted to.

The only thing we can do is to turn to neccessity and moderation. Save what we can and waste nothing. I know they say that the only way we will recover is to spend, spend, spend, but we are responsible for saving ourselves financially. I say let some of those big corporations fail. If we allow ourselves to let our money be taken time and time again we will only learn one thing. We will always allow our money to be taken at will. But if they fail , yees more people will lose jobs, but the next company or corparation just might think twice about being led by fast profits and greed. Possibly keeping Jobs here in America and not gouging the American public. I encourage you to send this out with a link to my blog. I want people to know what is going on and maybe just maybe we can turn things around for all Americans.

Thank -You

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