Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Random Act Of Kindness

As I was at work today , I saw a man ask for help from another associate. The Man behind him asked him what kind of mulch he needed help with. That got me thinking alot about certain things. Where has random acts of kindness gone.

When I was younger there was always something going on. Sometimes it would be just a dinner party and sometimes it would be a bunch of people getting together for a Bar-B-Q. But there was always friendship and laughter. You could call on friends and they would be over in minutes. People would come over just to hang out.

See it bothers me that we have forgotten about kindness to people. I have had the privelage of meeting so many nice and kind people that have helped me out when others would of looked the other way. It saddens me that we no longer help those who need us at our most desperate of times. At this point in time we need those random acts.

How many times have we turned away? This man was surronded by a dozen able bodied people but the man who asked the disabbled man was well in his sixties and was not walking too well himself.. Is it a generation thing? Have we really become such a society that is so close minded that we ignore other mens pleas? Think about it for a few minutes before you turn away next time. Maybe that next random act of kindness might be you that needs the help.

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