Thursday, May 7, 2009

July 4th revisited

As it approaches I think back over my short 33 year lifetime. Some of the history we have lived through in 33 years! We united a nation by tearing down a wall. A long cold war was ended . A dictator was stopped from exterminating a nation. Yours later that same dictator was tracked down , put on trial and hanged.

I have seen a few Presidants go throught the Oval office. Most left in shame. One left office after starting a war, devastating more than one nation and bankrupting one nation. The one before him fell from grace . An extra marital affair that was turned into a media circus. The same man joked about it . When he was impeached , he refused toleave office . This same man went on to be one of the biggest supporters of peace.

This year was a year that will go down in history. It is trully a year I will never forget, a man who had links too the Black Panthers on his website was elected Presidant. He bailed out Greedy corporations, just to watch themfail again. Millions of jobs were lost. And we got to see the rise of the Extreme Liberal Media.

I saw thousands of Americans protest an illegal tax at T.E.A. ( taxed enough already ) parties. What the governmant origanally though of as a joke , well soon showed us their true colors. A Pennsylvania Governor ( Ed Rendell) called for an emergancy ban on automatic and semi automatic rifles. On the same day as the tea parties April 15, 2009. People who attended were called " Terrorists taking part of an extremist conservative movemant. Unpatriotic Americans who have no sence of duty" Morning Joe on Msnbc April 15, 2009.

Apresidant who saw not a hundred tea bags show up in Liberty Park , But one Million tea bags. Instead of getting rid of an illegal tax he addressed an angry nation and essentially did nothing . Instead of doing the right thing he yanked the permit the people had applied and paid for . I saw a presidant turn his back on the people who elected him. The founding fathers must be weeping.

July 4, 2009 , what does it hold? I don't know. It has potential. I look forward to July 4 every year. To me its not about booze and fireworks. Every 4th I have a private thing . I observe a a few minutes of silence and reflection . I think about how we fought to seperate from a nation that was using taxes to keep us poor to the point that families couldnt afford to keep food on their table or roof's over their heads. I think about those men and woman who fought against tyranny, in the winter most of the time without coats and shoes most of the time.

I would say that what I think is mine, but that is not honest. I regard them as heroes. Brave men and woman who wanted to live in a nation where they were heard. Where taxes didn't exist. A place where the law was there to help and comfort. Then I look around this nation, and I think of them as fools . Everything they fought for, all thier blood that was shed to create a nation and we have become damn near everything they fought against.

The 4th of July, groups are being formed to protest taxes again. It has Potential to be one of the most famous days in a year of change. I say we declare our Independance from the taxes again. Not just a protest, but write gongress , write governors, write senators. Stand in front of state capitals, in front of I.R.S. buildings. Tell them no more taxes. I have one better . On the website Myspace you can add the White house as a friend , it is a direct link. Write it , flood it . Tell them on July 4th we want our independance from an illegal federal income tax. That we our Independace from a governmant that does not listen to it's people.

Thank You

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