Friday, May 1, 2009

How Much More

General Motors has announced that they will be cutting 21,000 jobs and closing down the Pontiac Line. They will also be closing down dealerships. I know what does this have to do with my issues with the governmant ? Well it is simple in a lot of ways it does. The Governmant has decided to reward G.M. with another 8 Billion dollars in bailout money. Does this make any sence? They are cutting 21,000 more jobs and getting a bailout as a reward.

What can the governamant do to really help this? It is simple. Truelly it is. We have Mazda, Nissan, Toyota, Honda , Volvo, Porsche , Volkeswagon, Fiat, Ferrari, Lexus , and etc...... Let's see America produces Ford, Chevrolet, General Motors, Jeep , Chrysler, well you are getting my point and let us not forget Saturn. See if the governmant were to just close off a few of these companies bringing in vehicles from other countries maybe Americans would do the one thing that might help and buy American which in turn keeps American Jobs going and keep's Americans working. But I guess that is really not an option. SO I say Thank you for listening.

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