Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I have recentley joined another website called the Campaign For Freedom. I am on there as Cheval Hale. I am standing up and letting my name and voice heard . Appernatly to all who read this because I believe in freedom and no taxes . Because I believe in the Constitution ( an antique documant) . Because I am a person in the reight snad freedoms of choice of Americans due to all this I am a terrorist and an extremist. Well I am saying My Name I am giving up the American Name of Justin that I was born with, I will be seeking time with the court or not but I will be changing my name legally to Cheval.

I am also going to be watching the news. If Texas or Montana succed's from the federal union , I Cheval Hale will go with them. I will go and live. Both states have talked of succesion. So why would I go? Because I believe that this nation has failed . I believe that the governmant will drag us down even further into poverty. We are the most powerful nation in the World and we have a high jobless rate. People are losing there homes every day, I dont just mean people who lose their apartmants but families that are becoming homeless. I see people that are moving south so thta during the winter they are not freezing to death. I talk to people who have back up plan after back up plan incase they lose their homes. Some know of places out in the desert where there is a water supply. I myself have a backpack in my car loaded in case things go bad and I no longer have a place to live. I will leave and go anywhere.

If a state leaves the nation and becomes their own nation I will go there. So yeah you can call me a terrorist or an extremist , but then sadly there is millions who are starting to think like me also . I remember other terrorists that years later werent down upon. Washington, Franklin Jefferson. Even one of my Relatives Nathan Hale.

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